Beaujolais Nouveau, Camera in Hand

The Japanese really have a thing for Beaujolais Nouveau.  You see the ads up at all the supermarkets and liquor shops.  TV stations run reports on the new Beaujolais Nouveau that has reached Tokyo, so I decided to buy a decent bottle this year at my local discount liquor store Kawachia.  I settled on a 3150 yen bottle (about 30 bucks) and instead of catching the bus back to my home I strolled on down the main street with a bottle in one hand and a camera in the other.  The weather was clear, which contrasted so nicely with the utterly crappy cold weather of Thursday.  So raise your glasses on this sabbath with me and drink in the freshest of the vine.

Lost Necklace on Kanana Dori (kanana street)

Lost Braclet, Around the Corner from my Place

Little Lost Puma in Edogawa

Look Down to Look Up

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