Minnie Mouse Gets her Own Seat

I am not even sure how to begin with this one.  This kind of truly disturbed me when I saw it on the train this afternoon.

As I stepped onto the train I noticed something wasn’t quite right with the passenger across from me.  She was decked out in heels, and a pear like necklace.  Now, that is not so unusual for Japan, but this was different.  This woman, was not a woman, but it was a Minnie Mouse doll.  Sitting right next to the Minnie Mouse was a man, on his cellphone.  I gathered pretty quickly that this doll was surely his when he picked up the Minnie Mouse and started to talking to her.

I am also pretty sure that this individual was suffering from some sort of mental disorder.  I have seen plenty of Disney freaks around.  But this one was completely off the wall.

Those that obsess with Disney need to find another outlet to escape the harsh realities of life.  It is really not a healthy place to be.

I hope that the man in this image, will find happiness outside of the limits of the artificial boundaries of Disney’s world.

Something Isn't Quite Right with Minnie Mouse

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