39 Degrees in Steamy Yanaka

Wedged in between Nippori, Sendagi, and Nezu lies the old part of town of Yanaka.  Filled with old homes, many temples, and lots of shoe-boxed sized stores.  Since Japan is in the middle of the Obon season, about 70% or everything was shuttered, including the museum I wanted to see.

The mercury hit a high of 39 (102 Fahrenheit) degrees celsius.  I could feel the heat bouncing off the pavent, the and the tin covered houses.  While on the street the heat could not be avoided.

I did see some interesting places full of character, that will be explored at a later date.

The Club

Side Potted Garden

Foil Eyes

Door Jam, Window Jam

Red White Blue and Air Conditioner

Window Without a View

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