Flowerhood and Rolling Solo

I saw two sides of flowership today in my walk back to the station in Chiba.  One was a a single budding flower.  It was pushing through between a stone wall and an iron fence.  It contrasted so nicely with the cool gray stone on this overcast day.

The other was a group of tiny purple flowers.  They had all budded and were growing in the tight space between a wall and sidewalk.  There were about half a meter off the main street I was walking on, but there flowerhood caught my eye.  They were all working together in a tight space.

I know that it takes a community to care for each other, just as these flowers were.  They might not be holding hands, but I’m sure their roots are all intertwined under the earth.  Search out those connection to each other.  Those connections that are so vital to humans well being.

Don’t be afraid to show a little flowership, or flowerhood to each other.

Violet Flowerhood in Ichikawa

Solo Out of the Wall

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