Smiling Skies and LOVE

Yesterday was the first day of July, and the weather and the skies reflected it.  The skies that greeted my morning commute in Chiba, Japan, was wide blue and full of wispy clouds.  It just warmed my heart at the same time that the sun was heating up my physical body.  The sky was so blue, and seemed clean.  Even though at the same time I know that Fukushima is releasing radioactive particles into the air.  I still have hope that nature will trump this man made disaster.

Love is out there.  Love needs to spread wider and farther than all the radioactive particles that we are now experiencing here in Japan.  Love needs to be written upon our hearts as the same some wrote in upon the wall in Chiba.

More love

Let the love spread over all the masses of the Earth.

Love Wall Hydrangrea

Morning Greeting Sky

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