It Only Takes Roots

A concrete wall has been constructed.  It was constructed to hold back the earth from sliding.  However, all it takes are some roots to wiggle their way into a small fissure to bring down what was built by man.

The overall power and beauty of nature never ceases to arouse my curiosity.  There is a place in my soul that drives me to explore the connections between myself and the world that ww all inhabit.  This tiny fern has been able to burrow its roots deep into the fissure dividing two slabs of weathered concrete.  It has adapted to be able to grown on a completely vertical surface.

On one of the slabs of poured cement some children have left their marks.  Taking rocks and scratching the surface of the blackened gray leaving behind a physical memory.  A moment from their childhood when they picked up a stone to express themselves.  The children’s scribblings are coexisting with the strong roots of the fern.

For me it is just another amazing day out in the world.  A world where humans compete and coexist with the nature that surrounds us all.

Fern Sprout Scratching Graffiti

2 Responses to “It Only Takes Roots”

  1. fathima Says:

    wow its very nice.but how is it have a branch in the concreate

  2. Jacob Says:

    thank you so much fathima!

    i appreciate you taking the time to look
    and see.


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