Bouquet Pon Wall Pon Slime Pon Camera

Harmony is a word we like to know but we rarely see it in practice.  How do two things that shouldn’t be in harmony with each other get to be?

I found one answer the other day as I was wondering along a wall in Chiba Prefecture. The large cement wall probably had been built to hold back the hillside from sliding into the houses that are packed in one right next to each other.  The large poured concrete wall had a few drainage pipes built into the wall in order to release some of the rain water that saturates the hillside.  In some of these drainage pipes a perfect plant bouquet was packed in.  The plant was thriving on the water that was filtering in through the mud and out through the concrete wall.  It was a pure harmonious relationship.  The wall and mus supplied the water and nutrients needed to sustain the bouquet’s life.  The plant in return added to the simple aesthetic beauty of the poured concrete.  Together they were able to capture my lens.  They were able to communicate with me about their relationship.

Yes, objects communicate with each other, and they also communicate with me.  It is a triangular relationship between the objects I focus in on, the camera that allows me to capture it, and the spirit that allows me to communicate with all sides of the process.

Lucid communication, thats what it is all about.

Wall Bouquet Slick

Vine Pon Wall Pon Pipe

Wall Bouquet 01

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