Manicured Bushes in Tokyo

Still feel like I’m in recovery mode so I decided to take a little stroll in my neighborhood.  Minamikasai is a quiet little neighborhood.  At one end lies the high rise development built in the 1970s called Nagisa New Town.  A mix of small houses, small apartments and a few large mansion condo types.  It is where I wander around peeping out the use of green spaces in the neighborhood.

This one was a tiny garden planted in about 30 centimeters of space with two beautifully manicured bushes racing towards the sky.  Making good use of the little green spaces we have here in Tokyo.

Skewered Tree Fence Garden, Minamikasai, Tokyo, Japan

2 Responses to “Manicured Bushes in Tokyo”

  1. Valerie Kamikubo Says:

    Somehow, I missed this one on flickr. Look at all those layers!

  2. Jacob Says:

    thanks… valerie
    i have been investigating those tight
    garden spaces.

    thanks for popping over…

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