My Lady with a Flower in Winter

A Flower with my Lady in Winter

I have spied my lady again in MinamiKasai sporting a freshly cut flower.  I have spotted her many times in all seasons.  She has been bundled up with a scarf.  Kept her head covered in the blasting heat of summer with a hat.

I enjoy keeping an eye on her.  She represents the changes in the seasons by what she holds in her hands, and what is wrapped around her body.  Her copper-hued skin burnished in the winter light, is a beautiful sight for my eyes.

Keep your eyes open and see what she’ll be holding in the future.

My Lady with Flower in Winter


2 Responses to “My Lady with a Flower in Winter”

  1. Brett Duchon Says:

    I love that you DIDN’T remove the fiber from the flower’s cap to make the picture more ‘post-cardish’… A little WabiSabi action, the imperfection that makes it perfectly natural!

  2. Jacob Says:

    its funny that you mention that fiber.
    when i was taking the picture i didn’t notice it.
    when i had in post editing the image i saw it.
    at first i thought it was on the lens, but i quickly
    realized that it was on the flower.

    it was perfect imperfection!

    thanks for popping by brett

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