Bridging the Dreams

Bridging the Dreams

There are two lands that are divided by a body of water.  A man stands out on the edge of the land and looks out onto the the land on the other side.  He looks deeply into the blackness of the water.  The water oozes blackness.  He wonders what is there on the other land.  He has never been able to cross the way to the other side.

The man lays his head on a rock and falls into a deep slumber.  Bridges race through his mind.  Bridges constructed by steel, concrete, and labor fill his dreams.  The way to the other dream, the other side, the bridge is the key.

He awakens after his deep sleep.  He breathes in a deeply and stares out across the water.  This time he doesn’t worry, he feels content.  He knows that one day he will find his bridge, and his way of bridging the dreams will come into being.


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