Uehara, Wandering Where I’ve Never Been

Uehara Potted Plant Line Up


Tokyo is seemingly endless.  I am still finding places that I have never been.  Today’s wander was around Uehara to Yoyogi.

Never getting that lost, but just lost enough to just on what I see around me.  When I am on a wander my senses are on high alert, scanning over the streets, and turns.  Looking for whatever catches my soul.

A perfectly aligned garden on an edge, a backdoor to an old Showa era home, an outer wall constructed out of that famously blue hued corrugated metal.  Its all good for my soul.

Get lost, get found, and a long the way keep on snapping.


Corrugated Wonderland with Tag and Throw Up Graffiti



Yoyogi Back Door with Vines

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