Little Yellow, Fujisan’s Smallest Cousin

Little Yellow, Fujisan's Smallest Cousin

Let me introduce you to Fujisan’s (富士山) little cousin, the tinniest of yellow ground flowers.  I was sitting down by the bay sipping a cup of coffee and gazing off at the far distance at Mt. Fuji.  It always feels like a special treat to lay my eyes on Mt. Fuji, because it only happens when the atmospheric conditions are perfect. These perfect days most frequently occur in the autumn and winter in the Kanto Plain.

I was on a small grassy slope feeling the suns warmth on my cheeks and just looking at the far horizon.  There stood Mt. Fuji snow capped with a small topping of clouds that were beginning to push over Fujisan’s brow.  That is the moment when I noticed them.  Scattered in the weedy grass was a patch of the tinniest yellow flowers.  Each one couldn’t be bigger than one centimeter (1/4 inch) in diameter.

I have decided to name them Little Yellow, Fujisan’s Smallest Cousins.  It just fits them.  They are as gorgeous and beautiful as majestic Mt. Fuji, yet their scales couldn’t be farther from each other.  I have forever linked them together in my heart, and in my lens.


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