
Visualizing the Geometrical

Saturday, June 19th, 2010

I think I have discovered a new theme over the last couple of weeks of shooting.  I have become fascinated with the geometrical shapes that are created in the simple abodes of the urban landscape.  The windows and doors, and fences and how they all interact to create a world of formally arranged intersections and balances.

I will continue to explore these ideas, and discover why they have become so important to me.

Stay positive and explore the geometry that surrounds us all.

Mic Home Mailboxes with a Side of Stairs

Blue Shade, Pink House

Two of All Kinds

Solo Potted Plant

I’m Naked Without it

Tuesday, June 1st, 2010

Yeah that’s right. Read the headline again.  I am naked without it.  Of course, in this case I am talking about my camera.  Today was the first time in a very long time, that I left the house with out putting my camera in my bag.  I felt like I had walked out of the house with out any pants on.  I would reach for the little ricoh, but it wasn’t there.  A big sigh!.

So, the images from todays post are from my stroll around Kasai on Saturday.  Buildings, constructions, all competing for my attention.  Therefore, I had to point my camera in many directions.

I won’t leave home without my camera tomorrow.  That is for sure.

Moshi Rust

Bako Abstact

Front Side Garden Siding

Front Side Garden Siding

Hazy 10:46 Evening

Wednesday, April 28th, 2010

The rain came all day.  It lest a haze that was hung around after the rain vanished.  All the lights are aglow outside, flaking of the shiny pavements and sidings.  SNAP, Snap, snap.

Over the Roof Tops to Nagisa New Town

10:46 Contstruction Workers Lot

Y Sin Embargo Magazine #21

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009

The latest edition of the ink or print Ysin Embargo Magazine dropped this monday.  It is full with fabulous artists reaction to the ever changing relationships of analog and digital medium.  There are many superb contributions to this issue.  Make it a point to check them all out.

My piece is a analog and digital conversation with my maternal grandmother.  Surrounded by the analog sights and smells that surround her.

I am ever thankful to Y Sin Embargo’s creative hurricane of Fernando Prats.  The layout and impact of the magazine would not be the same with out him.  Much respect Fernando.

you can download the PDF file here.

you can go to LULU and order the magazine here.

be sure to browse the past issues and all the happening over at Y Sin Embargo Magazine.




I will re print the text below in both English and Spanish.

they both tell a story.

interwoven expressions. of silver oxide and pixels.

together searching to unlock the gifts that lay underneath.

lifting skywards across time dimensions.

3 axis collide at the moment

the time pins the location to its x, y, z,.

across the digital waves of, 1s and 0s.

A lucid communication opens the gates between,

the converging axis.

The lens draws back, and froward, interpreting

the light into its components.

into the hands of all can access image creation.

but with access, comes pursuit of fullness.

Tmatriarical manisfestation of the n the fusion of the axis. provides the onlooker with a security code.

# # #

ambos cuentan una historia.

expresiones entrelazadas. de óxido de plata y pixeles.

juntos buscando abrir la llave de los regalos escondidos debajo.

elevándose hacia el cielo a través de dimensiones temporales.

3 ejes colisionan en el momento

en que el tiempo fija la ubicación en su x, y, z,

a través de las ondas digitales de 1s y 0s.

Una comunicación lúcida abre las puertas intermedias,

los ejes convergentes.

La lente se desplaza atrás y adelante, interpretando

la luz hacia sus componentes.

hacia las manos de todos puede acceder la creación de la imagen

pero con el acceso viene la búsqueda de la plenitud.

Manifestación matriarcal de la fusión n de los ejes. Proporciona al espectador un código de seguridad.

Florida Dreamy

Saturday, August 1st, 2009

Laid up, still with a sore rib.

Dreaming of march in florida


Big Blue Bahia

















Sunny Green Day

Downtown Corner

Porch Silk

Copyright 2007© m2c LucidCommunication - Jacob Schere