Flowering Among the Dust of Shin Urayasu

My allergies have been playing hell with me these days.  I am usually not susceptible to the annual abundance of cedar and cypress pollen in the air, but this year it has really gotten to me.  In addition to all the pollen that is flying around, the town of Shin Urayasu that was hard hit by the liquefaction is covered with extremely fine dust that is everywhere.  The dust reminds me of what the astronauts experienced on the moon.  I have taken to wearing a surgical mask to protect myself from the dust and pollen that is everywhere I go.

On my way back to Shin Urayasu today, I paused in front of a blooming Camelia tree that was blowing in the wind.  The beautiful crimson flowers just blurred in my eyes as I stood there staring at the.

Even among the dust and dirt of all that my neighbors from across the river have suffered there are signs of normalcy.  From what I have been hearing most of the water, and most of the sewage in Shin Urayasu has been reconnected.  Many of the pathways and sidewalks have been at least temporarily fixed with a fresh layer of asphalt.

There is still much to do, but we must acknowledge that a lot has been done.  The flowers are a constant reminder to myself that there is change too blowing with the pollen and the dust.

Shin Urayasu Camelia Flower

Ready to Burst

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