Rabi, My Tiger Stripped Kitty

Monday, November 7th, 2011

Been confined to my home for the last week or so fighting off a cold.  And now I have been told that I must continue to stay home for another week.  I wish to go out and explore, but there is no energy for that.  I have to be content being home and watching my kitties play, sleep, and eat.

This is Rabi (pronounced RAW BEE) he was adopted by my wife and I about 2 years ago.  He is male and is quite spritely.  Rabi loves to play catch. His favorite toy is a little piece of a Docomo mushroom character that fell off.  It is not much bigger than a lima bean.  He love when you throw it and he will go chase it down and then drop it in front of me.  For Rabi there is no end to this joy until he misplaces the little piece of mushroom.

I hope he makes you all smile too.

and here’s …… Rabi….

Rabi, My Tiger Striped Cat

Geometrical Wabi Sabi at Red Square Gallery

Saturday, November 5th, 2011

My friend, Brancolina, over at the Red Square Gallery has curated a collection of my Geometrical Wabi Sabi images. Red Square Gallery specializes in curating shows around the theme of photographing architecture. I am honored to be a part of this collection.  In addition to the images there is a short interview where I go into some of the theories behind the images.

I invite you all to come on by.

the link to the gallery is below.

jacob schere: geometrical wabi sabi

Also please browse through the other collections at Red Square Gallery

there is also the Flickr Group Red Sqaure Gallery

And lastly, please take a browse through Brancolina’s Flickr Stream

2Shirts, Squares and Rectangles

2Shirts, Squares and Rectangles


Awakening Dream in Ichikawa

Tuesday, November 1st, 2011

Im a bit under the weather with all the yo-yo like temperatures we have been having in Tokyo. I guess my body fought the germs off for as long as it could.

Therefore, I will keep this posting short. Walking back to the station took a lot longer than usual, and seemed like a dream. I noticed this Bird of Paradise communicating with its soba shop noren (a Japanese entryway curtain).

I feel like a haiku.

flower talking blue
lucidly communicating
awakening dream

Birds of Paradise and Soba Shop Noren

Copyright 2007© m2c LucidCommunication - Jacob Schere