Only a Puff of Wind

It has been a bit of an emotional week.  From feelings of complete numbness to the loss of family that just tugged at my soul.

For over a month now I have been photographing, almost exclusively, flora and fauna.  I am just transfixed by their ability to thrive, while I and my neighbors have to deal with the everyday stress of just being.  I am thankful for their constant reminder of the beauty and the determination of nature.

Dandelions, a simple beautiful flower to some and just a weed to others.  They are edible and can be eaten as a salad.  After the flowers come and the petals fall all that is left is a little fluff of seeds.  The seeds just wait for a puff of wind to send the seeds out to the world.  To find some crack, soil, or potted plant to grow into next seasons dandelions.  Such a simple mechanism to maintain the dandelions.

I am hopeful that fore seeds of faith, and love will spread out into the world.  The seeds can take root in some of the most obscure places.  Will these thoughts and images of mine find some where to take root.  Will people see the seeds, and make the choice to give them some nutrients and help them grow?

I can only hope so.

Speed those seeds.

From Bud to Just a Puff

2 Responses to “Only a Puff of Wind”

  1. hanae Says:

    I am moved with your beautiful words.  Thanks!

  2. Jacob Says:

    thanks hana hana

    been deep in thoughts and actions these days.

    i hope you find yourself in a peaceful situation.

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