Ice Fungi has Sprung Again in Japan

Ice Fungi, Ice Needles しもばしら【霜柱】01

The ice fungi has again sprung again in Japan.  I have never seen them before coming to Japan.  In reality they have a a given name of ice needles or ice columns, but I still prefer my given word of ice fungi.  They seemingly sprout over night when the conditions are just right.  In fact there are so many creative names given to this phenomenon:  ice castles, frost castles, ice fringes, ice filaments, ice flowers, ice ribbons, frost flowers,  and rabbit ice.  All so beautiful, but again I got to go with my my heart and I just love the sound of ice fungi.

Those conditions are the ground is not frozen, but the surrounding air is below the freezing point.  The water is quickly crystalized out of the ground and freeze in the air.  Leaving behind stunning patterns of ice that sprout forth out the ground.  They often have little earthen heads, which agains leads me to call them ice fungi.

They are tiny.  So tiny most people shuffle on by with out paying them any notice.  For me, they freeze me in my tracks, and I have to get down on my hands and knees to peep them in their frozen beauty.  The patterns, and variations are endless.

The mysteries of the world are sometimes right there in our field of vision.  The choice is ours if we choose to see what is right there.  Or, are we just going to pass them on by like the sleeping masses.

Ice Fungi, Ice Needles しもばしら【霜柱】02


Ice Fungi, Ice Needles しもばしら【霜柱】03

8 Responses to “Ice Fungi has Sprung Again in Japan”

  1. samm Says:

    oooh! These are lovely shots!

  2. Jacob Says:

    thanks samm!

    much appreciated

  3. Valerie Kamikubo Says:

    You have the spirit of an adventurer Jacob, and we are all the recipients of your wonderful finds!

  4. rob Says:

    Such a fascinating phenomenon! For what I remember, the last time I’ve seen those crystal castles was during my childhood, during the Christmas holidays on the hills.

  5. Jacob Says:

    thanks rob.

    i never had seen these crystals before
    i came to japan. actually i never noticed them
    till 2 years ago.

    the creator works wonders out of such
    simple elements…


  6. Jacob Says:

    thanks valerie!

    i am glad you join me on my adventures too.
    keep the thankfulness project.


  7. akiko Says:

    I really love those shimobashira photos!
    When I was a kid, I loved to step on shimobashira and hear the crisp sound.

  8. Jacob Says:

    thanks akiko.

    i never had seen them before coming to japan.
    i grew up in miami, florida, and maybe, maybe we got some simple frost,
    but i was amazed when i first saw these.

    I’m sure they make a lovely CRUNCH when you step on them.

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