Outer Wall, All Stone

1.6 Meter, Fukagawa Fudōson Temple (深川不動尊)


On my stroll through Monzenakascho I skirted the outer wall of the Fukagawa Fudōson Temple (深川不動尊).  There was a time when I photographed nothing but the urban fragments of my Tokyo environment.  Since the disasters of March 11th, I  have become fascinated by the fragments of nature in the confinement of the city.

This wall was an exception.  In the several dozen images taken on my wandering this was the only one that had no plant life in it.  Well, there is a little.  There are some molds and lichens making their home on the old stone wall.  It just captivated my attention and caused me to push the shutter.

A bit of revisiting where I have been so that I know where I shall go.


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