
Square, Doll, Circle and other Randomless Connections

Saturday, June 12th, 2010

Yes, she does.  She’s had enough hot air being spilled by the tricksters out there in the world.  Even though she is lost, she isn’t LOST.  She still fully comprehends her situation.  She knows what is to be must be, and that she can change only those things that she can control.

Live it up, enjoy the simple pleasure of a circle, square, and a couple of dots.  Enjoy the elegant beauty of a heart that is screaming out for attention.  Hey look at me I’ve got heart too.

Enjoy, live it up to the fullest.  Each and every single day.

Lost Doll and the Bokeh Politrickster

Scratch My Heart, Hope to Live

Push, the Key

Square, Rectangle, Circle, Dot, Dot

It Only Takes One

Wednesday, April 14th, 2010

One seed planted in rich earth is all it takes.  The roots grow into the soil, seeking out nutrients.  Raising up its hands to the shining sun.  Time will tell, and Babylon’s concrete trap will all come falling down.  Go out, plant, reap, and sow a beautiful future for all.

Only Takes One

Budding Ones (Version White)

Budding Ones (Version Violet)

In the Hood

Thursday, November 5th, 2009

Todays theme is my own little neighborhood of Kasai.  Kasai is a quiet suburbish hood on the edge of Tokyo.

It still is Tokyo, but as soon as I cross the bridge I am in Chiba prefecture.  The skies were gray as I wandered

the streets on my mountain bike today.  Every so often I would be pulled over with the urge to snap

the little Ricoh camera.  Some lost and found items along with an abstraction that caught my eye.

Just another day in Kasai.

Barbed Wire in My Hood

Undecipherable Map in my Beautiful Neighborhood

Fuzzy Wuzzy Lost in My Hood

Lost and Found on the Bridge

Sunday, June 14th, 2009

Another image in the unending photographic project of lost and found objects in Japan.

Image was taken on the Urayasu Bridge between Chiba and Tokyo.

Lost Baby

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