“Five Windows, Two Pipes, and a Vent”: John Walford Expression

I am honored to have had one of my images critiqued by the art historian John Walford.  He wrote an interesting critique of my image “Five Windows, Two Pipes, and a Vent”.  I will repost the the text and the image below.  Be sure to go and take a wander though his writing and his flick image stream.

Five Windows Two Pipes

“Five Windows, Two Pipes, and a Vent”

One, well-painted, beige wall,
Seven outlets, yet no ingress,
Testimonies to hidden interiors,
Whose secrets remain unknown.

Forever veiled behind this wall,
Its windows, barred, screened,
One strangely whitened – Why?
Two banded chocolate brown.

You can wash upstairs, but maybe
Must go down for bowel relief.
Two pipes tell us so. The only
Way–in or out–the phone line.

Who painted those window bands
So neatly? What passes down that
Phone line? The words of lovers?
Or calls of one who likes grasses?

Originally published on Only Connect Blog, by John Walford
–JW, another to honor the chaste compositions of twisty331 (Jacob Schere),
July 17, 2010.

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