Purple Requiem

This week brought the world wide news of the death of an infamous human, which I felt completely numb to the news.  There was no feeling of relief.  There was no sensation of joy to this news.  I was just numb to it.  My only real hope is that the troops in Afghanistan can come home and be with their families.

I received the news from a friend that his brother had passed away.  Even though the brother and I were never very close I remember him in my youthful memories of playing with Star Wars action figures in their backyard.  Making mud pits for the figures to be thrown into.  Fighting over who’s figures were ours, which we kind of solved by writing our names on the soles of Bobba Fett’s feet.  We even would tie firecrackers to some of the poor Star Wars souls and blew them to pieces.

I mourn his passing.  It hit me pretty hard, and I am reminded of how little time we are sometimes allowed on this planet.  We should love those around us.  We should stop and see the beauty out there in the world.

Much Love!

More Love!

More Life!

Violet Requiem

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