Spring, Lovely Spring, Come Stay Awhile

Backside Garden with Corrugated Plastic

The windows are open and a dry cool breeze is rustling my curtains.  Today is absolutely gorgeous.  It is sunny without being hot.  Cool with out being cold.  Dry without it being biting. It is just perfect weather.

Last night I spent some time in my own patio garden watching the plants grow.  It really is calming to be out amongst the plants that we are raising and just chill.  Just to sit there and soak up the ambience with my heart knowing that we are doing a little part to make our world, the world we share, better for all.

On this day I am free to relax my body and spirit.  To catch up on much needed spiritual nourishment that provided me with the energy needed to do my works.  I am so thankful for the sabbath.  It allows me to put trivial troubles in perspective and refocus my thoughts on matters that are truly of importance.

As I look are the sunshine as it fills my patio.  I am hopeful for a better tomorrow.  I am hopeful that this gorgeous weather that we have been blessed with hangs for a bit before the beginning of the true summer season.

In the meantime you can find out on my patio watching my plants thrive.

Stepping Up Garden with Communists

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