Out on the Water, Yakatabune Style

Three Tree Water Breaker

I was fortunate to go out on a traditional yakatabune (Japanese pleasure boat) on Saturday afternoon.  Yakatabunes are long boats that have tatami mats on the inside and people sit down cruise around and have some tasty food.

I had never been on one before Saturday’s outing, and was looking forward to the experience.  Unfortunately, I had caught a bit of a cold and I wasn’t much in the mood for so much revelry.  I just wanted to look out the window and watch the waves.

All of this being said I had a good time and met some interesting people.  I was happy to be able to participate in a bit of traditional Urayasu culture.  Especially interesting to me is the fact that the company’s name is Yoshino, and my own Japanese family’s name is Yoshino too.  Therefore, somewhere back in our lineage we are related to each other.  It is a small world after all.
Yoshinoya Dock, Urayasu
Yakatabune Sashimi

Yakatabune Window View


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